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Four felonies and four misdemeanors had me scrambling for the back of an envelope and finally a calculator and all I could figure was the November 9th court date in Las Vegas will be more significant than the date of any past or future fight date Floyd Mayweather, Jr. may ever have.

The moment of insanity last week may curse Mayweather and his family for the rest of his life.

While many were down on Mayweather for not having signed to fight Manny Pacquiao, you must admit 10 days ago he was on top of the world.

He was at the absolute peak of his earning power and popularity.

His only hope is if his former girlfriend, Josie Harris, recants her charges as she did in 2005 over an alleged 2003 assault. She is the mother of three of the Mayweather children.

Mayweather's uncle and trainer, Roger, faces an October 25 trial also for assault and battery involving a female boxer and tenant.

Gifted Grand Rapids (MI) Reporter David Mayo wrote Thursday that those Mayweather called his "haters" may have their day to gloat after all. That he may end up broke or in prison.

Not knowing Josie, I don't know if she has matured since she changed her tune back in 2005. I don't know if she has the conviction to say the truth, whatever it is, in court and see her financial meal ticket and father to her children go to federal prison for a stretch.

Just like we don't know how an even fight will turn out. We don't know about this trial but it's sure happening swiftly, just 60 days after the alleged offense.

Mayweather could walk with a slap on the wrist, a year's time or upwards of 30 years if they really throw the proverbial book at him.

I don't think the media circus we should expect has even begun yet with so much else happening in the world. Oh, but it certainly will before too long.



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