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ARLINGTON, Texas -- It's official: 120-108, 118-110, 119-109. It's a blowout win for Manny Pacquiao. Well deserved. Tough fight, too. Antonio Margarito would have beaten a lot of guys with his effort, but Pacquiao is simply an indomitable force.

Bob Arum looks down at press row and smiles. Lots to be happy about. Pacquiao proves his brilliance in another weight class and Margarito shows he can still fight. Win-win. The post-fight press conference should be interesting, as we'll see what the story is with the pre-fight controversy.

Round 12
Margarito looks like a Law and Order victim. Pacquiao coming in, looking for the knock-out blow. Combinations stinging Margarito. No hard kill shots just yet. Pacquiao hitting Margarito everywhere. Don't know how Margarito is still standing. Round over, fight over.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 11
This could be Manny's chance to go in for the kill. Margarito on the defensive. Pacquiao connecting. Margarito still trying to jab. Wow, Manny hammers Margarito right up the middle. Margarito still throwing though. Ref checks Margarito's vision again. Good to go. Manny continues to toss combinations at Margarito. Margarito backed up. Still standing. Good round for Pacquiao. You have to wonder if at this point, Margarito's corner stops it. He's getting punished.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 10
The ref checks Margarito's vision. Cut is pretty bad under that eye. Margarito's shots are getting wider. Pacquiao connecting with combinations up the middle. Good combination by Pacquiao. Margarito may be hurt. Strong combination by Pacquiao. Margarito hurt! Manny can't close though, and Antonio is saved by the bell.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 9
This fight is going at an amazing pace. I don't think I've ever seen Pacquiao this winded before. Back on the ropes, Margarito throws wide and connects. Pacquiao's punch output has slowed some. Hard right by Manny. Both fighters trying to land something. Margarito pawing at that cut. Close round but another one for Pacquiao.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 8
Both fighters look a little winded at the start. They brawl on the ropes! Hard uppercut by Margarito. They are on the ropes again. This is not the fight Manny wants. On the ropes again. Margarito throwing haymakers now, and landing many. Good round for Margarito.
10-9 Margarito

Round 7
Ref brings Margarito over to the doctor to look at the cut. Doc says it's OK. Margarito's right eye is almost closed. Pacquiao dances, Ali-stye. Pacquiao circling Margarito, rocks him with a left hand. Margarito pushes Pacquiao to the ropes but Pacquiao counters and sends him backwards. Close again, but another one for Manny.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 6
Margarito continues to move forward. He's looking to pin Manny down but can't find him. Hard counter punch combination by Manny. Manny is almost waiting for Margarito to open up so he can trade with him. Thudding body shot by Margarito. Hard shots by Margarito! Manny crouches, almost goes down. Pacquiao flurries back, moves Margarito back. Great round. Give this to Margarito.
10-9 Margarito.

Round 5
Margarito may have a broken cheek bone. Margarito comes forward, throwing everything now. Pacquiao responds with a flurry of his own. Hard left hook by Pacquiao. Manny's punches are coming from everywhere. Margarito connects with a combination, but Manny isn't fazed. Taps his gloves again. Good series of combinations by Pacquiao ends the round.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 4
Pacquiao snapping Margarito's head back. But Margarito is getting more successful getting Manny to the ropes. There's a cut below Margarito's right eye. Pacquiao sees it, is targeting it. Hitting him with everything now! Margarito is hurt! That cut is gushing. Wildly swinging. Ties Pacquiao up. That cut is engulfing Margarito's right cheek. Big round for Pacquiao.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 3
Margarito looks a little winded. Just a little. Pacquiao drills him with a 1-2 combination. More combinations from Manny. Margarito keeps reaching with that jab. Margarito keeps pressuring. His defense is a little better than I thought. Margarito flurries; Pacquiao flurries back. That straight right and left is open for Pacquiao. Margarito is letting them through. Another close round. I give it to Pacquiao.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 2
The two are slugging it out now. Pacquiao getting the better of it, but Margarito landing. Margarito doing a lot of one-punching and Manny is throwing in bunches. Manny on the ropes, not where Roach wants him to be. Manny working the body. Tapping his head and gloves, daring Margarito to come in. Close round, give it to Pacquiao.
10-9 Pacquiao

Round 1
Pacquiao offers to touch gloves and Margarito ignores him. Both circling. Margarito using the jab early. Pacquiao looking to get inside. Good combination by Pacquiao. Straight left by Manny. Manny getting busier. Hard left by Manny. Margarito pawing with the jab. Manny swinging free now. Margarito's jab is decent but he's not throwing it enough. Score this one for Manny.
10-9 Pacquiao



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