It appears as if some of the boxing scribes are taking shots at Manny Pacquiao for accepting a fight against Antonio Margarito. The most notable shot across Pacquiao's bow comes via Yahoo sports writer Kevin Iole, who called Pacquiao, 'despicable' and "flea infested" among other things.
What's funny to me is here you have a guy in Manny Pacquiao who has done absolutely nothing wrong to anyone, yet he gets accused of taking steroids, and now he is according to Iole "despicable" and is as bad as Margarito. Wow, that's pretty amazing.
There are a few other scribes out there, one in particular who's not worthy of mention who took a few stabs at Pacquiao as well. It can be lonely at the top, and since Manny's been at the top he has taken some unwarranted shots by people who on their best day couldn't succeed at half of what Manny accomplishes on his worst day. How convenient it is for these scribes to sit at their keyboards and criticize accomplished athletes.
Pacquiao took Antonio Margarito because A- Mayweather for whatever reasons decided to pass, and B- He's already defeated Cotto once. Pacquiao would much rather have fought Floyd Mayweather, and he did everything, (including accepting blood testing) to make it happen.
It was the Texas commission that granted Margarito a boxing license, not Manny Pacquiao. If the commissions all were to deny Margarito the license to fight, then Pacquiao fights someone else. Pacquiao is a businessman, so why not grab the 15 million and beat the crap out of Margarito? If you're going to take a shot at someone, take it at the commission that licensed Margarito, and not at Manny Pacquiao.
In Mississippi the fans for the most part do not want Margarito to fight. They believe that Margarito should be banned for life. I spoke to many of them in Southaven, and in Biloxi, MS at the boxing matches. I also asked a few, including a boxing referee in Monroe, LA. It's a unanimous decision, Margarito shouldn't fight. With that said, he has a license to fight now, so Pacquiao shouldn't take the blame.
Some scribes are quick to judge, quick to criticize, and are grade A hypocrites. Most of them who judge need to look in the mirror before they take a shot at a guy like Manny Pacquiao. Most of these scribes that crack on Pacquiao never put a boxing glove on in their life, and would rather run through Hell with gasoline underwear on than look Manny in the face and talk their garbage.
Memo to all those who criticize Pacquiao - Can you say seven division world champion and most successful fighter in years? Put your laptops down for a minute, walk down the hallway, strip down to your boxer shorts and look at yourself in the mirror for a few minutes, IF you can stand it that long. When you are finished go get your laptops and type up an apology letter to the fighter's that you have criticized over the past few years.
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