Manny Pacquiao has never stood "taller" than in his refusal to cosign Margarito's handwrap cheating. Photo: Raymond Rodriguez Photo
The older you get, the more you know that the answer to tough questions is rather simple.
What did they know and when did they know it?
If you get the correct answer to that, many things fall into logical place.
Let me start with Congressmanny Pacquiao. The representative from Sarangani never stood taller than when he repeated an earlier expressed and widely disseminated personal opinion.
Pacman did not tell the assembled scribes and cameras in Beverly Hills Tuesday that handwrap cheater Antonio Margarito could have knowm, might have known or just possibly knew that that his gloves were being illegally loaded for the Shane Mosley fight.
Pacquiao did not duck, dodge or hedge. He was consistent and honest, saying that the veteran Mexican fighter of more than 50 pro bouts CERTAINLY KNEW the handwraps were hinky.
But, Pacquiao added showing some religious compassion, Margarito deserves "a second chance" after "making mistake."
Now that's a truth-telling Congressman who might be president of his homeland someday in my book (which is heading to a top publisher soon, I might add).
Again, highest of marks to Megamanny for not parroting the Bob Arum company line that Margarito was dumb or in the dark about the plasterized inserts in Los Angeles.
Manny proved beyond doubt that he is his own man, that he is not necessarily Bob's Pinoy Bobo.
Take a survey of 100 top trainers if you like because the world's top pound-for-pound fighter said that is bullspit.
As for Arum, he showed what a real professional he is.
He knew before the presser that his 49-year-old attorney son, John B. Arum, was missing on a mountain hike in the Seattle area and that searchers were looking for him.
Yet Arum made the tough choice and went ahead with the press conference. He performed his duty and then jetted off to Washington hoping for some good news.
Arum probably doesn't know at this emotional stage that Pacman contradicted his oft repeated "Antonio did not know" and "there's not a shred of evidence" remarks. If he does know, why would he care with his firstborn child's life at stake?
Pacquiao told the truth like the man of character he truly is. Arum did his job under great duress like the consummate professional he is.
Kudos go to both in tough circumstances.
I'm told that Todd duBoef, Arum's stepson, will pinch hit as m.c. of Wednesday's New York presser and for the Thursday event at Cowboys Stadium.
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